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Sitting Down?
Last review: 08/12/10  J.R. Rogers
I have said many times that exercise is extremely important for those who suffer from osteoarthritis. It is especially important for those that are less active or work in an environment that is sedentary.

In fact, if the doctors in this country were paying attention to their pain management patients in terms of their activity, it would change the picture enormously. As it is, little if any attention is given to this important issue. It is important enough to warrant a look at some things you can do to help yourself.

Using Computers and Arthritis Pain
Of course if you are reading this information, you are using a computer. And, some of you spend a great deal of time doing that. For those with osteoarthritis, using a computer for extended lengths of time can cause some problems. This is especially so if you are experiencing pain in your neck and shoulders or lower back.

Keeping it "online" in more ways than one
Try to keep your computer screen directly in front of you and align your chair so that you are centered on the screen. (Your screen should be at eye level.) Your screen should be at eye level. Sit up straight and plant your feet directly below you at a 90-degree angle. That is the ideal position to be working from. When your computer and chair are not in the correct position, you increase chances of causing strain in your neck and lower back. Don't overlook this simple step because it can make a huge difference.

Sitting Down and Moving it Around
Pay attention to something more than the screen in front of you. Stretch out your arms and shoulders. Move your arms around occasionally. Make an effort to just "stretch upright" from time to time. In other words, stretch your spine.

If you use your computer for long periods of time, take a break every thirty minutes or so. Reach back with both hands and grasp your lower back on both sides. When you do this, pull back slowly with your shoulders and stretch out and up. Do this five to ten times.

More Simple Exercises
From time to time, stretch out your arms and fingers in front of you. When you reach that extended position, hold it for 5-10 seconds and then relax. While keeping your arms out in that position, make a very tight fist with the top of your hand in the upward position. Then, slowly turn your fists downward and hold that position counting to five. Repeat that five to ten times as well.

Your Neck and Head
It is also a good idea to move your neck and head from time to time. Keeping your shoulders down, slowly move your right ear toward your right shoulder. Once you have extended yourself as far as you can, move back up so you are in an upright position again. Repeat this exercise on the left side. Again, do this five to ten times.

There is a variation on this little technique as well. Before you do the above exercise, lower your chin toward your chest and then begin that movement to the right and left.

This simple little "exercise" will help you with lower back pain. The person who sits at their computer and simply keeps their head in an upright position without these exercises is increasing their chances of both neck and lower back pain. They don't take much time and they are certainly worth the small effort you put into them.

These simple steps can make a big difference. Invest the time to do these stretches, exercises and moves. You will be more than a little surprised at what a difference it makes.

J.R. Rogers is the founder and President of Activex America, Inc. makers of Liquid Glucosamine Formula Syn-flex®