Effective Help for Canine Hip Dysplasia 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is a genetic, painful, crippling disease that causes a dog's hip to weaken, deteriorate, and become arthritic. It is a congenital condition and is the leading cause of lameness occurring in the rear legs of dogs. |
Arthritis in Pets 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | Osteoarthritis is a chronic, slowly progressing condition that is caused by the breakdown and destruction of your pet's cartilage. As that occurs, the bony structures begin to rub against one another causing pain and discomfort. |
What is arthritis in cats? 08/12/10 VetMed | Arthritis in cats is the progressive deterioration of joint (articular) cartilage. One or more joints can be afflicted with the condition. Another term commonly used to describe this condition is degenerative joint disease. When the term osteoarthritis is used, it usually refers to an extension of the changes into the bone underlying the cartilage layer. |
Disk Disease and Your Pet 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | As most of you know, disk disease affects a great many of us. In fact, it is common to find evidence of this in most aging adults. However, it can also be a very real issue for your pets as well. |
Using Glucosamine to Ease Arthritis Pain in Pets 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | Information on how glucosamine actually works for easing arthritis pain in cats, the science backing glucosamine, and how to select the best glucosamine formula for dogs...
Can Fido or Fluffy make it as Vegetarians? (part 1) 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | In the past, we have talked about the importance of diet for pets dealing with arthritis. This is a very important issue and one that many pet owners do not address properly. That is not to say that they don't care, it is more a question of understanding what works best for your pet particularly if they are arthritic or have joint-related issues.
Hip Dysplasia 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | We have discussed issues about the use of liquid glucosamine for pets suffering from arthritis. This time, I would like to focus a little more on hip dysplasia and steps that can be taken to deal with this often complex issue. |
Can Fido or Fluffy make it as Vegetarians? (part 2) 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | In our last article we talked about the importance of diet. If your pet has arthritis or joint-related problems, it becomes very important to do the right thing with diet. (Of course, it is for all pets.) |
Pets and Catastrophic Storms 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | Most of the time, I am writing about pets that have arthritis. This time, I would like to talk about pets and major storms. I am doing this because it happens that I live in Punta Gorda, Florida which was Ground Zero for Hurricane Charlie. |
How much glucosamine do Fido or Fluffy really need? 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | If you are a regular reader of this column, you know that I am a strong advocate of safe approaches to dealing with your pet's arthritis. Certainly, I have made it clear that the use of a pharmaceutical quality liquid glucosamine is my preferred approach as opposed to prescription drugs that have the potential to cause serious side effects. |
Arthritis in Dogs and Glucosamine Sulfate 08/12/10 Administrator | Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate supplements are fast becoming the most widely used supplements in dogs' diets. The reason is this: arthritis in dogs is one of the most common health problems seen by veterinarians. Quite unfortunately, dog owners and veterinarians rarely notice the early warning signs of arthritis in dogs because these animals have the character to ignore soreness and discomfort until the arthritic changes in the joints have progressed significantly. Recent widespread availability of nutraceuticals such as GLUCOSAMINE and CHONDROITIN SULFATE have proven to be significant contributors to easing the discomfort of arthritis in dogs. Plus these substances actually promote healing and tissue repair.
Most Dog's Do Well on Rimadyl, Except the Ones That Die 08/12/10 Administrator | "From Wall Street Journal
March 13, 2000
You might call it a made-for-TV drug. Approved for human use in the U.S. but not marketed that way, an arthritis medicine called Rimadyl languished for nearly 10 years in developmental limbo, then emerged in a surprising new form: instead of a human drug, it was now a drug for arthritic dogs. And it became a hit.
Natural Arthritis Relief for Pets 08/12/10 Administrator | No one likes to see an animal suffer. But watching a beloved dog struggle to get up from her bed, or a cherished cat hobble around the house, is truly heartbreaking. Yet, just as in humans, osteoarthritis is an equal opportunity disease, striking young and old, healthy and infirm alike. In fact, for many purebred animals, osteoarthritis is virtually a given, due to breeding practices that result in congenital joint problems, like hip dysplasia.
Is Glucosamine Effective for Arthritis in Dogs? 08/12/10 Posted by Administrator | An informative report for anyone who owns a pet including the latest breakthroughs in fighting arthritis in pets, a debilitating disease for 30% of all dogs and cats.
Obesity & Arthritis in Dogs 08/12/10 Administrator | Just as obesity adds stress to joints in humans, the same factor is at play with family pets. Excessive weight restricts joint movement, decreases mobility and can cause other physical problems. Those associated problems only add to the difficulties posed by the arthritic condition.
Dog Food for Dogs with Arthritis 08/12/10 Administrator | The Federal Government (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) does not mandate that ingredients used in pet food be inspected. A handful of states do impose that requirement on manufacturers but they are the minority. So where does that leave you?
The Tellington Touch Method 08/12/10 Administrator | TTouch™ - the Tellington-Touch - is a method for enhancing the physical, mental and emotional well-being of your companion animal based on cooperation and respect. It is used to support veterinary care, training and behavior modification. An additional benefit is a deeper rapport between humans and animals through increased understanding and more effective communication.
What canine arthritis is, how it forms, and how you can ease the pain! 08/12/10 Administrator | Canine Arthritis (degenerative disk disease) is a disease in which joint cartilage deteriorates. The result is that surfaces that are supposed to glide over each other become rough, and lubrication within the joint is decreased. Movement is more difficult and often painful. The signs of arthritis in a canine are: difficulty in walking; such as limping or a stiff, slow, or ungainly gait; difficulty in getting up from a seated or lying position; difficulty climbing stairs; a creaking, crackling, or "ratcheting" sound in the joints; an overall decrease in mobility; an unwillingness to move; and dragging the back legs so that the tops of the nails scrape the floor. Canines who are experiencing the pain of arthritis also may become "snappish" if they are touched in the wrong place or made to move when they're not ready. They experience arthritis pain just as humans do.
Arthritis in Dogs 08/12/10 Administrator | X-rays can show up most (but not all) conditions affecting the bony structures of the joints, limbs and spine, and some soft tissue structures as well. I am often asked why vets need to heavily sedate or anaesthetise an animal for this. For the x-ray to provide as much useful information as possible, your pet must be still during the process. Modern anaesthetics are very safe, and most practices now have a nurse monitoring the animal under anaesthetic constantly. Trying to interpret a poor x-ray can sometimes be just as dangerous as guesswork. So, if your vet recommends anaesthetising your pet to x-ray him, there are good reasons why this is helpful in confirming a diagnosis.
Feline Hip Dysplasia 08/12/10 Administrator | Hip dysplasia is an inherited trait involving multiple gene pairs - it is not congenital (meaning an animal is not born with it). The condition develops over time from instability in the hip joint which results from an improper fit of the femoral head (ball-like structure) into the acetabalum (hip socket). This instability, called hip joint laxity, results in abnormal weight bearing within the hip joint. From this, secondary changes and remodeling occur in an effort to stabilize the joint or avoid bone-on-bone contact. When cartilage disintegrates from abnormal wear, the femoral head and acetabalum rub together with every step causing pain and eventual osteoarthritis.
Is it really arthritis? 08/12/10 Administrator | When a pet that has been behaving normally has a sudden onset of "limping," does it mean that arthritis has set in? To answer that question, you have to consider just how suddenly it appeared.
Pet Obesity & Arthritis 08/12/10 Administrator | We have discussed the importance of weight control for pets who suffer from arthritis. There is no question about it. It is a major issue and we have to understand not only the importance of keeping pets "trim" but how to do it.
Cardiovascular Benefits Using Glucosamine for Pets 08/12/10 Administrator | By now, you should all realize that using liquid glucosamine, exercise and diet all play a role in assisting your pet with their arthritis. However, there is another aspect to using the right product that many of you likely have never considered: namely, it can have cardiovascular benefits.
Feeding Options for Dogs with Arthritis 08/12/10 Administrator | The Federal Government (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) does not mandate that ingredients used in pet food be inspected. A handful of states do impose that requirement on manufacturers but they are the minority. So where does that leave you?
Some Incorrect Approaches to Exercise 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | For you regular readers, it is no secret that I am adamant about this point. The use of a high quality liquid glucosamine will handle most pet arthritis very well. However, the nutrition and exercise components play a big role here. |
Maximizing Your Pet's Joint Health 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | Anyone who reads these columns knows by now that I am a big fan of dealing with pet arthritis using liquid glucosamine. Without a doubt, it has changed the way that individuals and veterinarians are viewing safe and effective ways to help arthritic pets. |
Tips For Traveling With Rover 08/12/10 Ron Swerdfiger | Whether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort, or just visiting the in-laws for the weekend, many people are choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling. |
Big Dogs: Big Problems - Caution on the Exercise Front 08/12/10 JR Rogers | In the past, we have talked about certain breeds of dogs that are prone to developing arthritis problems. Generally speaking, it is the larger breeds that are more prone. Of course, arthritis does not discriminate. |
Nutrition and Arthritic Pets 08/12/10 JR Rogers | We have talked about the importance of both diet and exercise when dealing with a pet that has arthritis. I think that diet is such an important issue that it is one we should discuss in greater detail. It is becoming common knowledge that as humans, our bodies perform better when we "eat right." It is equally important for pets to follow healthy food guidelines as well. |
Real Food Treats Improve Your Pet's Health 08/12/10 Mercola.com | We love to give our dogs treats, and they love to get them. The healthiest treats we can give our dogs and cats are made from real, fresh food. Since we like to give them variety and tasty tidbits as well, we'll review briefly each category of treat. |
An Amazing Statistic 08/12/10 JR Rogers | I was reading a book the other day about hip dysplasia in dogs. Before going further, I should add that this applies to cats as well. The article was written by a veterinarian and it had something very important to say about this painful condition.
More Issues with Food and Family Pets 08/12/10 JR Rogers | Recently, I went back to discussing food issues in some detail. It is important to understand that we do have ways of helping out pets not only with their diets, but with preventing things from happening long term.
Bad Joints: What can you do? 08/12/10 JR Rogers | We all suffer when our pets are hurting. It probably makes it worse when we see them "nursing" a bum joint. It helps to know what you can and cannot expect when you are facing an issue like this.
The Myth of 100% Complete Processed Pet Foods 08/12/10 Randy Wysong DVM | Every day, people by the millions pour food from a package into their pet’s bowl. Day in and day out, meal after meal, pets get the same fare. This strange phenomenon is not only widely practiced, but done by loving owners who believe they are doing the right thing. |
Do Not Blame the Vet 08/12/10 JR Rogers | When Rimadyl® was introduced in 1997 it was called a "miracle drug" for treating arthritis in family pets. And, other drug companies followed with their own offerings of similar drugs.* A total of four major brands compete in this business.
Storm Season and your Pet 08/12/10 JR Rogers | Having lived through a massive hurricane last year that took a large part of my house, I am a little sensitive to this issue. Since we are in hurricane season and it doesn't end until November |
Hurricane Katrina 08/12/10 JR Rogers | It is ironic that in the last issue I mentioned that "storm season" is with us again. Of course, no one could have known that the Southern United States would be devastated by Hurricane Katrina. |
Is Glucosamine taking a new direction? 08/12/10 J. R. Rogers | Recently, I have been doing some extra research. And of course, there are always those who want to offer up their opinions whether they are warranted or not. At least, that is what I found in doing some of this extra reading.
Spotting Pain in your Pet 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | Sometimes we take things for granted. We think we can spot pain when our pets experience it. With pets suffering from arthritis, it may or may not be easy to see. |
A Cautionary Note to Pet Owners 08/12/10 J.R. Rogers | As our regular readers know, I offer up a lot of advice on dealing with arthritis in pets. This is a large part of my life. |
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