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Liquid Glucosamine Better than Pill Form? |
Last review: 08/12/10 Administrator |
What we do know based on clinical studies is that:
- Liquid glucosamine can halt the progression of arthritis;
- Liquid glucosamine reverse some of the damage already caused;
- Liquid glucosamine diminish inflammation;
- Liquid glucosamine can ease the pain;
Liquid Glucosamine is beneficial to the sufferers of osteoarthritis -- both humans and pets. It has been proven effective in easing osteoarthritis pain, Астана достопримечательности, rehabilitating cartilage, renewing synovial fluid, and repairing joints that have been damaged from osteoarthritis.
Each person produces a certain amount of glucosamine within their bodies. When people grow older, their bodies lose the capacity to make enough glucosamine, so the cartilage in their weight-bearing joints, such as the hips, knees, and hands is destroyed, then hardens and forms bone spurs, causing pain, deformed joints, and limited joint movement.
This news was first discovered in the early 80's in the European medical community. By the end of the 1990's, numerous double-blind, placebo controlled, glucosamine studies had been published, reporting that glucosamine was indeed very beneficial to osteoarthritis sufferers, and that it was safe for long term use.
With such great news spreading very quickly, the glucosamine industry became very large. Almost every major nutraceutical or vitamin company put out a glucosamine product, and today it can be bought in just about every food store, health food store, vitamin store, wellness clinic, and chiropractors office.
However, in the rush to gain market share with their glucosamine product, companies often put out products with little regard to the quality of the product being produced. They rushed to the market and did not take the time to do essential things like perfom lab analysis on their products. They put out medium or low grade glucosamine products to save money; and they put the glucosamine in pill or capsule form.
They tell you that all glucosamine products are the same. First thing you must know--they are not. All glucosamine products are not the same. There are six main factors that you need to analyze when selecting a glucosamine product. These are:
Amount of glucosamine per daily dose
Type of Glucosamine
Quality of Ingredients
Delivery System
Synergistic Ingredients
Price Per Day
One of the most important of these factors is the system of delivery. In their rush to the market in 1999, 2000, and 2001, the very large majority of companies simply put their glucosamine in pill or capsule form. However, with glucosamine and other vitamins and supplements, it is well-known that liquids are absorbed faster and more effectively than solids. Absorption is a very important thing to look at simply because if you are not absorbing the glucosamine, you will not have any relief no matter how much you take.
The author's statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not provided to diagnose any disease or to suggest that liquid glucosamine and chondroitin will treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
