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The Arthritis Diet: Foods to Avoid
Last review: 08/12/10  J.R. Rogers

Let’s begin by listing some food items that you should avoid. While there are over 100 different types of arthritis, they all have one thing in common. One or more of the food items listed will be an “allergy food” for the arthritis sufferer.

The most common culprits are:

  • sugar
  • caffeine
  • citrus
  • salt
  • red meat
  • dairy products
  • additives
  • soft drinks
  • corn
  • flour

    Some have said that nightshades are a problem. They are not. This is an old myth that has been going on for years. This is the list.
  • eggplants
  • red peppers
  • tomatoes
  • white potatoes
  • tobacco

    If you do eat any of these foods, pay attention to any reaction you might have in the next 24 hours. If you notice a reaction, you are indeed allergic to that food item.

    Society Factors

    If there are two major factors that we could examine in the past 50-60 years that has lead to an increase in the numbers of people who suffer from arthritis, it would be these:

    1. Sugar has become a major part of our daily diets
    2. The consumption of soda pop has become widespread.

    Let’s talk about soda. It is difficult to believe but every time you drink a (regular) soda, you are consuming 11-13 teaspoons of sugar. (Some of you may remember that old trick of putting a penny in a glass of soda. It corrodes that penny to the point of virtual destruction.) In short, soda is not something that you should be drinking on a regular basis if you are concerned about arthritis.

    Food Labels

    Read the labels contained on the foods you are buying in your local grocery. Be especially careful and avoid as much food as possible that contains preservatives and/or additives. (Take an extra careful look at labels on ice cream and candy for example.) The more natural your diet in terms of the food you eat, the greater your chances are of defeating arthritis.

    Prepared Meals

    Those meals you buy that can just be “popped” into the oven are also something you should avoid if possible. Some contain as much as 1200 mg of sodium and as much as 60 mg of cholesterol. (You might consider some of the other health factors at play here and not just your arthritis.)

    Read the rest of this article and 8 more tips for effectively dealing with arthritis

    J.R. Rogers is the founder and President of Activex America, Inc. makers of Liquid Glucosamine Formula Syn-flex®